Some say life is for fun, some say life is to learn, some say life is to explore, and some say life is a blessing. There will always be many answers to this question, and it’s not just about one side, but the other side also equally exists where you can find people saying life is hell, life is a curse, life is all about luck, life is not real, life is a sad song or anything. So, how is so much out there and can be said for the same thing?
When I think of this topic, I always find my higher self taking the driving seat and bringing the best of meaning to everything. So, if I have to bring a clear picture, then I would say life is a journey through energies, a balance of day and night, a dance between light and darkness, and a destination to become love in all time, space and moments that need not be reached at the end but being in every moment.
We are the outcome of energies that we carry in our conscious, subconscious and unconscious, and those energies can be infinite things from your previous incarnations, past life, people, beliefs, faiths, challenges, achievements, creativity, curiosity and whatnot. Whatever humans can experience, or any living species can go through, it’s a mix of all. As these energies change, the environment changes, the alignment changes, and hence the definition of life changes for people, a big reason behind all those diverse explanations and feelings that we hear today by almost everyone in their own ways.
It’s humans who have categoriesd these energies in many forms. Sometimes with names, sometimes with faiths, sometimes with beliefs, sometimes with caste, religion, spirituality, creed, colours, voices, choices, actions, designations, positions, dresses, degrees, status, money, places, gender, behaviours, you name it, and everything is tagged. To see this whole matrix and understand how it works on Earth, one needs to understand the patterns closely, patterns in both space and time.
So, next time, when you want to say something about life, start observing the patterns deeply and follow their source; you might find all the dots connected to only one answer, and that will be your truth, the truth that either you might be looking for the whole time and failing to connect, or the truth that you might be ignoring for the whole time and now its time to connect. Either way, you are here to know yourself, your truth, your source, your purpose, and all that you really are. Now it’s up to you and the choices you make that will decide how much time you will take.
You are meant to find the balance, a balance that originates in your heart and that ends at your heart.