Each year, the world celebrates International Women’s Day with speeches, messages of empowerment, and countless organizations and individuals voicing their support for women’s rights, equality, and progress. This day shines a spotlight on the achievements of women and calls for more action toward gender equality. But in the midst of all the celebrations, there is one question we need to keep asking ourselves:
What do we mean when we say “women”?
Is it simply a gender, an emotion, a biological sex, or an identity shaped by our society’s definitions? Why do we continue to use labels like gender, race, religion, nationality, and even social roles to define who we are and what we need to do? Why does “human” seem to be secondary when these external factors are given so much importance?
Is Empowerment About Breaking Barriers, or Understanding Ourselves?
International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate how far we’ve come, but it’s also a reminder that there’s still a long way to go. Every year, we talk about the empowerment of women, but we rarely question what we mean by that. Empowerment shouldn’t just be about breaking down barriers that society has set up. True empowerment comes from unlocking what already exists within us—realizing that we are not defined by the roles, titles, or expectations the world places on us.
As we celebrate women, we also need to ask ourselves: Are we focusing too much on external factors like gender or power, or should we be focusing more on the human experience and the balanced energies that exist within all of us?
The Importance of Balance: Masculine and Feminine Energies in Leadership
One of the most important realizations is that true leadership does not rely on domination, control, or competition. It comes from a deeper understanding of the balance of masculine and feminine energies that exist within every human. These energies are not limited by gender—they are universal forces that drive creativity, compassion, strength, and wisdom.
We don’t need to fight for superiority or priority; we need to embrace balance. Both masculine and feminine energies are necessary to create a thriving world. The power dynamics we see in the world today stem from a lack of balance. Awakened leadership comes when we understand how to harness both amazing energies within and outside and recognize that true empowerment arises from balance, not from fighting, suppressing, or overpowering in any way.
Redefining Leadership: Moving Beyond Labels and Power Struggles
Too often, we define leadership by titles, influence, positions, and external power. But if we continue to chase power as a sign of leadership, we will never experience the true transformation we need.
Leadership should not be about control—it should be about awakening. Awakened leaders understand that being human is the highest form of leadership. We need leaders who know how to listen, who understand the deeper connection we all share, and who lead with heart, purpose, integrity, and compassion. It’s time to stop playing games for power and start focusing on leading with truth.
Creating a World Where Human Identity Matters Most
It’s time to create a world where human identity and alignment with heart is more important than any label or external factor. Men and women alike are struggling under the pressure of societal expectations, and it’s time to end the divisions that keep us from seeing our shared humanity. We don’t need to become an “alpha,” “charlie,” or “delta” version of ourselves—we need to simply awaken to who we are at our core.
We shouldn’t create a world where men feel inadequate or women feel mistreated. This is the time for awakened leadership—a leadership that doesn’t just focus on superficial labels, but on the authentic, human connection we all share. It’s time to move beyond gender, race, or power and embrace the truth of what we are—humans with boundless potential.
Awakened Leadership: The Call for Global Transformation
The world needs to end the imposed mindsets that divide and manipulate us. These outdated frameworks, based on superficial concepts of success, need to be replaced by a global awakening and my pioneering concept of leadership awakening.
It’s time for awakened leadership—a leadership that is rooted in love, compassion, and clarity. This leadership must rise from every individual and across global leadership—it is a call to stop playing games that no one truly understands and to step into a future where we lead as humans first, and everything else follows naturally.
The Future of Leadership: Awakened and Unified
As we look ahead to the future, we must embrace the idea that leadership is not about being at the top of a hierarchy, but about being true to who we are and leading from a place of heart. True empowerment doesn’t require dominance—it requires leadership awakening, self-awareness and balance.
International Women’s Day is just one reminder of the journey ahead. Let’s embrace this day as a chance to reflect, but also as a call to awaken to our true potential—to see the interconnectedness in all humans, beyond gender and labels.
Together, we can create a world where human identity matters more than anything else. It’s time for leadership to awaken—within every individual and across the globe.