It’s funny how often we see top personalities and people in powerful positions spending their entire day sharing government projects, policies, and lighthearted, funny stuff on social media. It’s like a perfectly curated highlight reel—an endless flow of “everything is amazing” posts. But let’s be honest: where’s the real voice in all of this? Where’s the courage and awakened leadership to point out what truly needs to change, the issues that demand urgent attention? That’s not leadership; that’s just social media management dressed up as influence.
Leadership, true leadership, isn’t about playing safe or sticking to a script. It’s not about showcasing only the positives and steering clear of uncomfortable truths. To me, leadership—awakened leadership—is about speaking what’s in your heart. It’s about standing firm in your authenticity and sharing what’s important, even if it shakes people a little.
It takes courage to say, “This isn’t right. This isn’t working. We need to do better.” That kind of courage doesn’t come from playing it safe; it comes from a deep connection with your inner self, with the truth you know the world needs to hear. And yes, it’s not easy to step out of the bubble and be that voice. But isn’t that what leadership is supposed to be?
I often wonder, how many people out there in positions of power feel the urge to speak up but hold back because it’s safer to follow the tide. Maybe they think their voice won’t matter, or maybe they’ve convinced themselves that sharing polished narratives is enough. But when you step back and look at the bigger picture, isn’t leadership about the greater good? Isn’t it about humanity? Isn’t it about creating change, no matter how small it might seem at first?
Awakened leadership isn’t just about what you say—it’s about the courage to say it. It’s about speaking from a place of authenticity and love, even when the message is uncomfortable. Because if we can’t speak what needs to be said, if we can’t challenge the status quo for the betterment of our communities, our nations, and the world, then are we really leading? Or are we just managing the optics?
For me, it’s simple. Leadership isn’t about playing to the crowd or protecting an image. It’s about being real, being vulnerable, and being bold enough to speak up for what truly matters. It’s not always glamorous, but it’s always worth it. And it’s the only way, I believe, we can ever hope to create a better, kinder, and more awakened world.